221 Experiences sailing aboard the Disney Dream, during her final test cruise (Featuring the DCL Cruise Nerd)

Meghan, the amazing host of the DCL Cruise Nerd Vlog, joins us this week to discuss her experiences sailing aboard the Disney Dreams final test cruise, before she began sailing with paying guests on August 9. We have a fun time discussing her over all experience getting back onboard a Disney ship, and spending time with her amazing crew. She then details all the changes which DCL has made to the check in process, port arrival procedures, getting onboard, the new muster drill process, and differences with dining, onboard entertainment, the pool deck, and of course her experiences on Castaway Cay. It’s time to pack your bags, put on your sunglasses and sun tan lotion, and get ready for some serious fun….Disney Cruise Line is about to set sail again out of the U.S..

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